Best online tutors for one-on-one learning
Math, Science & English tutoring for Elementary, Middle, & High School Levels
Math: Regular, Advanced & Accelerated Courses for All Grades
English: Creative Reading, Creative Writing, Grammar & Vocabulary
Science: Physics, Chemistry & Biology. Regular, Honors & AP Level
Dedicated Tutor Throughout the Academic Year
$18/h. No Contract. Free Tech Demo Available
SAT: SAT Reading, Writing & Essay Writing. SAT Math.
PSAT: PSAT Reading, PSAT Writing & PSAT Math
ACT: ACT Reading, ACT English, ACT Science & ACT Math ACT Essay Writing
Untimed & Timed Sample Paper Preparation
Jaya's Academy - Offering 1-on-1 Tutoring since 2011
Dedicated online tutoring for personalized learning
Why our 1-on-1 tutoring matters? As a dynamic group of educators, we are dedicated to imparting excellence and comprehension in the realm of education. Our focus is on nurturing each child's potential through world class online tutoring, patient mentorship and assistance, with our students serving as constant inspiration. Their encouragement motivates us to strive for even greater achievements
Math Tutoring
Math tutoring typically covers a broad range of topics and services, which can be tailored to meet the needs of each student.
English Tutoring
English tutoring typically encompasses a wide range of topics and services, tailored to the needs and goals of each student.
Science Tutoring
Science tutoring covers a broad range of topics, depending on the student’s level and the specific branch of science being studied.
Test Preparation
Test preparation tutoring focuses on helping students prepare for standardized tests and exams.
Other Test Preparation
This efers to studying and practicing for exams beyond the typical standardized tests like the SAT, ACT, or GRE.
Why choose our 1-on-1 tutoring services?
We are an energetic team of teachers, committed to bringing quality and understanding into the world of learning. With the best online tutoring services ever, we aim at bringing out the best in every child, through patient guidance and support. Our students are our greatest inspiration at all times. They encourage us to do more.